Sunday, October 5, 2008

Portland Marathon 2008

This marathon was amazing, I didn't get in the training I was hoping for, but I was able to stick to the four week training plan outlined in an earlier blog entry.  My previous marathon (SeaFair 2008) wasn't a smooth experience posting a 5:15 was NOT the bragging rights I was hoping for.  I went into this with a goal of redeeming my previous marathon bust.  I feel like I made a great improvement and I am looking forward to running again next year. There were some logistical issues (Not nearly enough bathrooms) but overall a great course.  I really liked the beginning of the run through downtown Portland, for some reason the 4:30 pace setter that I was behind at the beginning of the race was pointing out all the local strip clubs on the route, Portland locals are so wierd (sorry guys I love ya but it's true).  After about two miles I decided that the 4:30 time was a little slower than I wanted to go so I stepped it up.

The first half of the marathon was a piece of cake, I felt strong, and maintained good spirits.  It wasn't until mile 20-21 that I started feeling the wall and at mile 24 the wheels were begining to come off the wagon.  My spirits were lifted by a fellow runner that I meet because we were wearing the same SeaFair marathon 2008 t-shirt.  He would run ahead of me and slow down, then I would pass him and slow down.  We kept this dance up for the final two miles of the marathon.  It was enough to keep us moving forward and that was what each of us needed, it's always nice when strangers can motivate each other that way.  

In the end I finished with a 4:24.  It is a major improvement over my previous marathon but a time I feel I can improve upon.  Boston Qualifications are still pretty far off in the future, but I am getting there.